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Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan 2022

Are you looking for Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan in 2022? then you should be excited to know that you are at the right place. you should be happy to know that today in this article, we will discuss the Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan.

In this article, I will show you the top Pakistan players of PUBG, their names, their pubg name, their id name, their level, their city name, and with that their complete bio. so without wasting time, let’s get started.

Top PUBG Players of Pakistan

In this section of the Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan article, we will discuss the top players of Pakistan in 2022, and with that, we will discuss their names, their ids, their cities, their levels, and with that, we will also share their original pictures. \We will discuss all of this in the section below.

  1. i8crypto
  2. alpha rehman
  3. bablu pikachu
  4. scytesGhost
  5. unknownop
  6. x. muqaddar
  7. spins qadeer
  8. legend sam
  9. kalfan
  10. star anonymous

These are the players which are on the top of the list of pubg players of Pakistan in 2022. we will discuss all of these players separately in the following below sections. We will discuss all of the information about these pubg players of Pakistan. So, let’s get started.

1. i8Crypto

This is the top list pubg player of Pakistan, he is the best player of Pakistan. Everybody who is interested in video games like pubg, free-fire, etc, then he knows him very well. He is very famous in Pakistan. You might also know him by different ids like i8Crypto, flexCrypto, steflexCrepto, or zei8Crypto.

i8Crypto is one of the famous and best players in Pakistan or you can say that i8Crypto is best among the Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan. i8Crypto is a member of the team i8(illuminati8) which is owned by Trynda who is the coach of i8. and they are sponsored by Ze organization, currently.

Crypto was the top fragger of PMCO Pakistan with 37 kills in the finals. he was in 2nd number fragger in SA championship 2021. and in MVP ranking, he was in 5th position in the South Asia championship finals with 35 kills and 7709 damages. He proved him the best player in Pakistan and also in international level competition tournaments.

i8Crypto is one of the master players of m416 with a scope of 6x. He always finds a way to get more kills and to become a top fragger. recently, i8 is going to play PMWI. We will discuss its short bio in the section below.

Name in- gameZExi8Crypto
PUBG id5290705281
youtube ChanelLink
Instagram accountAccount link
Email Addressxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2. Alpha Rehman

Alpha Rehman is also one of the famous pubg players of Pakistan in 2022. He is one of the most versatile and best players in Pakistan. His gun power and game sense are on the next levels. He has achieved a lot in Pakistan and also on the international level. He was also known as the best player in pubg community.

Alpha Rehman was the top fragger of the DGA tournament which was the LAN tournament in Pakistan. He is a member of the team PES(portal esports). After that, he joined the Alpha legends team which is the middle east team. He played PMWL East from alpha legends and represent Pakistan on the international level.

Rehman’s favorite team is Fantastic 4. and with that, he also won so many local tournaments in Pakistan and become the top fragger. He is playing currently in Alpha legends and he also played PMPL south Asia 2020 with 247 gaming.

Name in-gameAlphaRehman
PUBG id571825947
InstagramAccount link
Youtube channelLink

3. Bablu Pikachu

The real name of Bablu Pikachu is Muhammad Wasi Butt, also known as Bablu Pikachu, is one of the finest players of pubg in Pakistan. The gun power and gaming skills of Bablu Pikachu is very impressive, which makes him the best player from Pakistan.

Bablu Pikachu is currently a member of Team Bablu. Team Bablu is one of the top three teams of Pakistan and Pikachu has fragging power due to that reason. Pikachu has a youtube channel of about 105k subscribers. Pikachu is the top fragger in many tournaments and they won many local tournaments.

NameMuhammad Wasi Butt
Name in-gameBabluPikachu
PUBG id5166452853
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube channelLink

4. ScytesGhoost

Scytes Ghoost is also one of the best players of pubg in Pakistan. he is playing by a team of Scytes from the beginning of his career. Scytes Ghoost gaming sense and gaming style is appreciatable and he proved himself in many tournaments.

Scytes Ghoost represents Pakistan also on the international level in pubg mobile official tournaments like UAE, PMPL Arabia, PMPL South Asia, PMCC, and PMCO. He was in the top fraggers of PMCO Pakistan FAll Split 2020 with 15 kills and Scytes won that official tournament.

Name in-gameScytes Ghoost
PUBG id5242937754
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube ChannelLink

In the previous article, we discussed Architecture Scope in Pakistan 2022, but here in this article we will only discuss the Top 10 PUBG Mobile Players in Pakistan.

5. Unknownop

Unknownop is also one of the best players of Pakistan. UnkonownOp is solo vs squad content creator. His youtube channel has 192k subscribers and 46k followers on their Instagram account. There is no official Facebook page of unknownop.

He is one of the best solo vs squad player of pubg from pakistan. He got fame from his fast reflexes. He plays 4 fingers. His gaming sense and style are very adorable.

Name In-GameUnknownOp
PUBG ID5460574809
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube Channel

6. X.Muqaddar

X Muqaddar real name is Muqaddar Baloch. He is one of the finest and the best players in Pakistan. He is also known as Reflex King and also known as The King of Bootcamp. He is also the master of squad wipe. He is almost unbeatable in 1v1 fights.

X muqaddar reaction time and fast reflexes made him popular among the Pakistani Gaming Community. He used to upload videos on TikTok and now he is well known in the gaming community. His youtube channel has 38k subscribers.

He is the leader of Team Xecute and currently playing competitive matches from his team Xecute. He continues his reflexes legacy in tournaments and scrims too.

NameMuqaddar Baloch
Name in-gameX. MUQADAR
PUBG id5177452362
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube channelLink

7. Spins Qadeer

Qadeer is one of the best players in Pakistan of pubg. Qadeer is also called reflex king. this name is given by his fans and he deserves it. His reflexes and gaming skills are on another level, we can say that his gaming skills are out of this world. He is a very classic player and competitive.

People call him Bootcamp King and no matter what map he dominates, he is the best player. He has 38k followers on Instagram, and on youtube, he has 115k subscribers.

NameQadeer Khan
Name in-gameSpinsQadeer
PUBG id5329371042
Instagram account
Account link
Youtube Channel

8. Legend Sam

Legend sam is also known as Malik Sam, he is also very famous in Pakistan due to pubg because he has Quick scope snipping, his playing style, and gaming sense is very good. He was the first person in Pakistan who start uploading videos of pubg mobile on TikTok.

Legend sam is the leader of Pakistan’s most famous clan known as The Legends. And also he got so much fam from TikTok and now he is also in the Top pubg content creators of pakistan. We will discuss his short biography in the table below.

NameSam Malik
Name in-gameLegend Sam
PUBG id5116614055
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube channelLink

9. Kalfan

Kalfan is also one of the most versatile and best player of pubg in Pakistan. He is one of the most skilled player of Pakistan. He started to upload his videos of pubg with different squads and got a great hype from there.

He even used to upload scripted videos but he is a well player. and also mostly he played solo vs squad and with randoms to have fun to create contents for youtube. His youtube channel has 231k subscribers and 40k followers on instagram.

Name in-gameK A L F A N
PUBG id5355330082
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube ChannelLink

10. Star Anonymous

Star Anonymous is one of the best player of pakistan. He is known as the biggest PUBG Youtuber and also he is known as Ipad player of Pakistan, the reason behind his fam is he is the Ipad player and all of other players are mobile players.

Star Anonymous is the most respected pubg player from Pakistan, and he has 2m+ subscribers on youtube.

Name in-gameStarxAnonymous
PUBG id5180495079
Instagram accountAccount link
Youtube ChannelLink
Email address[email protected]

Elena Stefan

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