1st Year Result 2022 Karachi Board:

Are you looking for how to check your 1st Year Result 2022 Karachi Board? Then you are at right place, Today in this article, we will discuss about 1st year result of Karachi board. Sindh board has announced the result of 11th class. You can check your result online here as the result has officially been announced of year 2022.
There are different boards in Pakistan, but we will discuss only for Karachi Sindh board. There are different methods which I will tell you today that how to check your FSC part 1st result, you simply have to follow the following given steps which are given in table of contents.
Check 1st Year Result 2022 Karachi Board
Table of Contents
By applying following methods, you can check 1st Year Result 2022 Karachi Board. Following are the methods by which you can check your result for class 11th HSSC part 1st which has been announced by Sindh board. these are very basic tips to check your HSSC part 1st result.
- By Online/ Website
- By SMS
- By Result Gazette
We will discuss about all these three types that how to check 1st Year Result 2022 Karachi board. and to check your BSEK Karachi result and its up to you that which method suits you the best. The following are given methods which are given below.
Class 11th Result 2022 Karachi Board:
Board Name | Karachi board Sindh |
Name of the exam | HSSC part 1 ( 11th class ) |
Time of announcement | 4:00 PM |
Result Type | Annual Result |
Result Status | Announced |
Category | 11th Class Result |
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Check 1st year Result By Online/ Website:
There are different methods that to to check your HSSC part 1st result of Karachi board. You can check your result with roll number or without roll number. Here in this section I shall told you how to check 1st year result 2022 Karachi board by visiting website or by online.
You can check your result by just visiting official website of BSEK which is given https://getinfopk.com/category/result/ by just clicking on it, you can check your result, or there is another way to check your result that is to download the application from google play store to check out your result.
The Sindh board of intermediate and secondary education has announced the result of fa, fsc, Ics, pre-medical, pre- engineering and commerce of class Hssc part 1st. you can check your result by having your roll number slip with you. without roll number slip, you cannot check out your result on above given website.
Check Result By SMS:
You can also check your result by SMS also. If any person facing with internet issue or if you donot have proper internet connection, then you can check your HSSC part 1st result of Sindh board by SMS, which is very simple and a unique method.
simply you have to enter your roll number and just send it in to 800296 and after some times, you will receive a text message with your marks of class 11th. Although this method donot give you proper detail of your result.
This method is just comes in handy when you donot have any proper internet connection. this method just tell you your marks not full detail. if you want to check your full result, then you have to visit to the official website of BSEK which is given above.
By Result Gazette:
In the previous article, we have only discussed about Pak Rangers Jobs 2022 – Online Apply in Pakistan but in this article we only discuss about 1st Year result 2022 Karachi Board. As Sindh government has announced result for class 1st year which you can see by given above following methods.
As in above I have told you that you can check your result of HSSC part 1st by having your roll number or without your roll number. In this section I will tell you about how to check your Sindh board result without having your roll number slip.
You can also check the result of your friends and class fellows by this method. the result gazette is a PDF file which is provided by boards which has a list of every student marks and roll numbers with their names as well.
You have to simply download the PDF file in your computer or mobile phone. then you have to open that downloaded PDF file, if you are opening in your phone then at the top of PDF their is a search bar from where you have to enter your name, father’s name or roll number. Your marks will be highlighted.
Same is the case with your PC, that you have to open the PDF file in your pc then you have to press CTRL+F, then a search bar will open where you have to enter your roll number or name. It will search your marks then your marks will comes in highlighted form.
Other Details:
In this section we will tell you about the address, phone number, Email address and website of the Karachi board office. Now you can use these three methods by which you can search your FSC part 1st result having roll number or without having roll number.
- Address: Block 5 Nazimabad, Karachi
- Phone: 02199260256
- Email: complaint@bsek.edu.pk
- Website: bbsek.edu.pk/
Dear students, hope you will fined your result by above three methods, Its up to you to choose your method. After all if you face any issue then you can freely contact us. we will surely support you.