Best & Easy Essay on Quaid e Azam in 2022

Are you searching for the Best Essay on Quaid e Azam in 2022? Then you are at right place, so don’t miss any part of the article. today I will show you that how to write an outstanding essay on Quaid e Azam with quotations in english.
Essay Essay on Quaid e Azam:
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on December 25th, 1976. He is the founder of Pakistan. Quaid e Azam is his title. He was born in a house known as Wazir mansion located in Karachi. His Father’s name was Poonja Jinnah. and his mother was Mithibai.
His father was a merchant and he belongs to a merchant family. He was a well known layer and a great politician of his time. He struggled a lot for the freedom of Muslims and sub-continent and on his extraordinary efforts, he was rewarded with the title of “Quaid e Azam”(the father of the nation).
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah completed his early education from Madarsat ul Islam in Sindh and Christian missionary school. For the higher education, He went to England and got admission in Lincoln’s Inn law school in London. He appeared in the Bombay high court when he came back to British India at the age of 20.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the youngest one to enter in the bar, where he started his career and take interest in political affairs of the nation and he become famous in the next three years. The advocate general of Bombay invited him to work for him and after six months he offered him salary of 1500 rupees per month.
Jinnah started his career from Indian National Congress in 1906. then after seven years, he joined the Muslim league. He struggled a lot to bring Muslim League and Congress to work together both at the same time. After a huge struggle, he realized that the Muslims of sub continent are sacrificing themselves and their culture against British and Hindus.
Then he started his efforts for the freedom of Muslims of Sub continent and decided to create an independent state where Muslims could feel the breathe of freedom. The major strength was the unity of Muslims of India in this freedom war, and it is the leadership of Quaid e Azam which unites the Muslims of sub continent of having a separate state.
Quaid e Azam was a man of his words. In front of his opponent, he always stood up as a rock and never lay down. Pakistan would not came into being without him. Gandhi called him ” An impossible man”. He was a greatest spokesman.
In 1930, he became a greatest leader of Muslims of sub continent and in 1933 he started to lead Muslim league. In 1940, Pakistan resolution was held by Muslim league at Minar e Pakistan, Lahore. which has been proved as backbone in the war of freedom.
After the passing of Pakistan resolution, Quaid e Azam worked day and night and did not care about his health which was getting worst day by day. But he kept it secret and never showed to any one. His sacrifice was not for his own but for the whole Muslims of India.
It was Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vigorous efforts and wise leadership that Pakistan came into being in August 14, 1947. He was fighting with disease called tuberculosis for many years but never made this disease its weakness. He was died on September 11, 1948. 13 months just after creation of beloved country Pakistan.
10 Lines Essay on Quaid e Azam
In the previous article, we have discussed about Microbiology Scope in Pakistan but in this article we will only discuss about Best Essay on Quaid e Azam. In this section, we will discuss about the shortest and effective ten line essay on Quaid e Azam. This is very essential for those person which are the school students. so, lets get started.
- Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who is the founder of Pakistan, was born on December 25th, 1976 in a house known as wazir mansion in Karachi.
- His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Quaid e Azam is his title which means “Father of the Nation” due to his extraordinary efforts.
- His father name was Jinnah Poonja and his mother name was Mithibai. His father was a merchant, so he belongs to a merchant family.
- He completed his early education from Madarsat ul Islam and then went to England for higher education and got admission in Lincoln’s Inn law school in London.
- He started his career at the age of 20 and appear in the Bombay high court when he came back to British India. He was the youngest one to enter in the bar where he started his career and take interest in politics and after 3 years, he become famous.
- Jinnah was first struggling for bringing Muslim league and congress to work together but he realize that Muslims and Hindus both are different nations. he started his career from Indian national congress in 1906, then after 7 years, he joined Muslim league in 1913.
- He was man of his words and a spokesman. he stood up as a rock at every situation of life. Gandhi called him “An impossible man”. He started struggling for Muslims of India to create a separate homeland.
- In 1930, he was the greatest leader of Muslims of sub continent and in 1933, he started to lead Muslim league. In 1940, Pakistan Resolution was held by Muslim league at Minar e Pakistan, Lahore. which was later considered as backbone in the war of freedom.
- After Pakistan resolution, he started to work hard day and night without taking care of his health which was getting worst day by day. He was suffering from tuberculosis but he kept it secret and never showed to anyone.
- He was died on September 11, 1948. His sacrifice was not for his own interest but for the whole Muslims of India. It was Jinnah’s wise leadership and vigorous efforts that Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947. His tomb is present in Karachi.
So, this is the whole 10 line best essay on Quaid e Azam. You can also reduce these points if you feel any difficulty in it. this is the simplest essay which explain everything about Quaid e Azam’s life from his birth to his death.
Essay on Quaid e Azam with Quotations
In this section, we will tell you about the outstanding essay on Quaid e Azam with Quotations in English. By adding quotations in the Essay will increase your chance to score higher marks. Quotations are very necessary for an essay. We will tell you some quotes which you can use in the Essay on Quaid e Azam.
- Our duty to the state comes first; our duty to our province to our district, to our town and to our village and ourselves comes next..
- We follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are equal in right, dignity and self-respect. Consequently we have a special and very deep sense of unity.
- Failure is a word unknown to me.
- “There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.”
- With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
- You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan.
- No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you.
- Corruption and bribery are like poison and a horrible disease, which needs to be put down with an iron hand.
- I insist you to strive. Work, work and only work for satisfaction with patience, humbleness and serve the nation.”
- Never forget our motto, unity, discipline and faith.
- We maintain and hold that Muslims and Hindus are two major nations by any definition or test of a nation.
- I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make right.
- You have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil.
- There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan.
- Think 100 times before you make a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.